Episode 89: Don't Die, My Love

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Don’t Die, My Love

It’s rare that Alli’s met a reader who has been as deeply affected by a book as the guest on Episode 89 has been affected by Lurlene McDaniel’s Don’t Die, My Love. You don’t want to miss this story!

On this episode, Alli and her guest Hitha Palepu also talk about the power of books like McDaniel’s tragic teen romances to help kids better understand and cope with crisis situations. They discuss the extent to which they emphasize with the parents in Don’t Die, My Love and the many (real) things they learned about cancer from reading the novel… even as adults!

Hitha is an investor, the author of How to Pack: Travel Smart for Any Trip, and the host of the 1 Smart Thing podcast. Follow her on Instagram (@hithapalepu) for reading recommendations, book reviews, and honest answers to your questions.

CHECK OUT HITHA’S BOOK: How to Pack: Travel Smart for Any Trip


My Oxford Year: A Novel by Julia Whelan

In Five Years: A Novel by Rebecca Serle

Cleo McDougal Regrets Nothing: A Novel by Allison Winn Scotch

Pelosi by Molly Ball


“Book Review of Don’t Die, My Love by Lurlene McDaniel” (Svetlana’s Reads and Views, 2011)

Don’t Die, My Love” (YA Books Central)

Don’t Die, My Love by Lurlene McDaniel” (Teen Ink, 2010)

Don’t Die, My Love by Lurlene McDaniel” (The Secret Bookshelf, 2012)

“Lurlene McDaniel has made a career of making people cry” (The Washington Post, 2018)

“The only thing that can hold back football is a bunch of tulips, or Don’t Die, My Love” (Somewhere Between YA Lit & Death, 2008)

“Why Readers Love Don’t Die, My Love” (YouTube, 2009)

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